Avg: 3084knts
24hr: 74016nm
Avg: 3.3knts
24hr: 80.4nm
Thanks Larry for the relay. Arrival will be in SW winds
Avg: 8.1knts
24hr: 194.9nm
eta 29 July. Prior to that they will have NW tomorrow then SW on arrival. Thanks Larry on Althea for the relay as they are in Gulf Harbour radio skip.
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 176.6nm
ETA Opua 2d and 2hr! Unfortunately a front arrives then too so NW up to 30. Thanks to Pam on Matin d'Or for the relay.
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 157.2nm
eta opua Thursday 28. All is well and good radio signal
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.1nm
on passage to NZ
leaving this afternoon for NZ. May do an overnight in Minerva
getting ready for the trip south to NZ
InPangai and will go onto Tongatapu to check out late July. Not a great radio signal so we hope it improves.
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