
Well......we had planned to go north to Fiji, Vanuatu, May 2020 but as much of the world we are .....not the borders are closed. reach us, we are on board Mahi and located in lockdown at Guantanamo Bayswater Marina Cell Block F..... where we will stay until our release date...... unknown.... soon we hope. :)
New Zealand may soon allow freedom to roam in country with amazing NZ to sail and explore! Uhhhhh..... I got rid of most winter clothes as we were supposed to be in warm weather north! It’s going to be chilly!
All good. :)

Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 190.5nm
Hi all! Back safely into NZ. Was a bumpy ride with non- preferred excitement along the way but overall a successful return. :) 7 days crossing with varied conditions sometimes hairy and fortunately in front of the low which had a punch. Just in time at 1am arrival. Yay!
Included a pic of our jib rolled up in named Jibby! As she kept an eye out while in cockpit. :) She dropped due to busted shackle at head in rough weather.....fortunately Russ got her safely back on board and she was remaining safely in cockpit. Did manage to take a bumpy ride up the mast in calmer weather to retrieve halyard for storm sail use if needed. Success! Then we were tired! :)
Made it to Opua NZ!!!! Yay! :)
Had some bubbles for a celebration! What an awesome journey with more to come in 2020! :)
Russ sails back to Auckland and I'm on a plane to visit family in Carribbean and USA. I'll miss Russ and Mahi tremendously after these months away. Be back soon! :) While Mahi and Russ will be resting back in Bayswater. Briefly resting before back to making digits...that 'we'd place.
Next adventure soon! :)

We have checked out. They have sang us an awesome Isa Lei song for farewell and safe journey. How cool! Casting off the dock lines to go to NZ! Yay! :)
Safe passage guys, see you

Departure planned for noon today after customs and fuel. While we are sad to leave warm sunny Fiji time to go home to NZ so we can make $$ to continue the adventures next May! See you in NZ! Send happy thoughts for comfy seas! :)
Tracking link to watch our location dot move
Hi, Safe travels back to NZ,

Waiting on a weather window. Musket Cove was a great place to spend time between our Vuda Marina days. Weather has been quite unsettled weeks prior towards NZ. Hoping for a safe window Monday.
Fingers crossed for a safe
Hey hey, getting ready for

Well....this is Fiji Hotel can checkin but you may never leave! :) Nothing very exciting thus no sure I should even share... ha ha! :) It's been sleep, happy hour, laundry, great crazy bar conversation with others here for varying reasons....we've been here too long and most staff now know us by name. Do we live here now?
Pic for those who aren't familiar with these raft up marinas...close and all yachts move together when one is shifted. Been a good place to wait if we can't be off the mainland.
Possible watching for a Saturday depart if weather window suits... I wanted a calm milk run I was promised. :)
Hey guys, Russ you’re
Small world when waiting at

Hi all :) we are prepared, yacht Mahi is ready but weather is crazy! Holding for another many days as this Antarctic sudden stratosphere warning is kicking up heaps of weather, lows,...
Remain at marina or back to Musket Cove. Not a bad option. :)
Safe travels guys. Been some
Hey Anatole
Heyyyy heyyyy have been
Hey hey hey! Sounds like Oz
Good call to delay. That

Well it's time.... been prepping for return to NZ. Possible tomorrow departure. Send great weather vibes! :)
That last one worked! I lost
Will this message work, none

Us celebratting what an awesome trip with more to come in 2020! :) and us having a drink due to depression of going to cold land but an awesome NZ! :)

Stopped at Waya island yesterday and had our final sevusevu with a lovely village. The kids were very animated and wanted to show us everything and everyone. :) We were given some vundi, a type of banana, to cook with coconut milk as it's their favorite sweet. Will give it a try!
Super rolly night thus ate very happy to be back at Musket Cove on a mooring. Flat and calm with no anchor checks at night nor alarms. Did I mention...Russ is out of beer again! Thus beer here. Yay! Happy skipper, happy admiral! :)
Had an awesome dinner on Jasper II as they continue thru Fiji for 2 more months and we return to NZ. Vinaka and See you again soon! :)
Musket Cove now we sit....Pool, bar, supplies, beaches and great water. Relaxation as we watch now for a weather window to return to NZ. Now cooking meals and final prep before Vuda marina checkout This is a great place to prep as much as possible prior to mainland tomorrow.
See.. .this is us trying to get motivated to prep.

Moved to another bay for a night, winds picked up thus back here and protected with white sand beach.
Yesterday went for another sevusevu, Russ asked for eggs but in return was a possibility of lobster. Yay! :) one guy said he would dive at night and hope to 830pm we have a knock on the boat, he's arrived!! With lobster...yay! After a negotiation and payment, today is gumbo lunch with grilled lobster and chardonnay. Isn't everyday like this? That brings me to our next discussion over lobster lunch.....this is our hedonism! ;) I like the way you think....what did you think? Hedonism is simply and cleanly the pursuit of pleasure. :)
Back to our white sandy beach to visit land. :) We hope you too are hedonistic...... did I use that correctly.... English is so difficult. :)

Arrived at this amazing Anchorage, Malakati. Beautiful white white sand, nice village. Had sevusevu with the chief, quickest one yet on the beach lawn.....basically....'here's the kava, do we clap? anyone else joining like usual from village? No, u r free to be a part of our family, thanks for kava, Vinaka!' Ok...well that was the 1st non ceremonial sevusevu for us. :) very nice people and welcoming!
Now onto pizza, beach and snorkeling! Yay! :) pizza habits haven't changed. :)
One of the young boys last week tried to smoke in the kaaba patch and caught the mountain on fire.... :/ fortunately village saved.....not like there are fire trucks to help.

Been in the blue lagoon area with several other non rally yachts we've met along the way. The rally moved onto Vanuatu over a week ago as we and a few others stayed in Fiji. Sooooo much to see in Fiji and we've barely touched areas.
Walked across the island to a village which has a tea house. The green house in the pics. They serve tea and cakes. Great unique stop just for the experience and walk.
Had a great love last night at a locals house. The lovo is how they cook the pig and other food underground. The cook in a covered fire pit with food wrapped in banana leaves using coconut husks as the firewood. Yummy! :)
Onto more snorkeling today across the bay in a marine reserve and large cabbage patch area, underwater formations which look like large cabbage.

Are you tired of these sunny beaches....hope's another one :)
Now in Nanyua Balavu where Mantaray resorts are and manta ray pass. This pic is Russ looking for mantas... or just spying on others. ....
Attempting to be picked up by a local to do sevusevu at their village as its aways away. One of the guys stopped by this morn and Russ replaced his spear gun line.. what a nice guy....Russ. :)
Looking for the mantas, great snorkeling, filled dive tanks thus dive tomorrow.
Why do they call these slight waves swell? They are not swell....we had some last night. We now call them ' 1.5m irritation'. Maybe that will catch on! :)

This has been a challenge for my short legs. At this marina the dock is fixed and you are tied such that there is a small platform to pull the boat towards you then jump off.... :/ uhhhhh....the boat is heavy and at high tide it's a long ways down. I've gotten stuck mid-transition.....thus now need help to avoid disaster. Even dropped some laundry into the drink. Need longer legs I'm told. :)

Now in Vuda marina where the party was held for the fleet departing to Vanuatu. It's been a great trip with all of the fleet. We will remain in Fiji for the rest of August while most go onto Vanuatu and New Cal. Now it's onto fixing the items needed such as water maker fitting, diesel leak, water orange stuff growth, mast light, dinghy Paycheck is leaking air, you know...... stuff. :)
Tonight is pizza night at the beachfront bar! yay! the pizza tour has continued. As well as I've quite perfected some awesome pizza crust as well as made.... some bagels! :)

Been at Navadra island in the Mamanumcas. Prior years Survivor TV series have been filmed on these islands. great location, beautiful, but we are having to tolerate quite a bit of roll. We put out oue SeaAnchor from the boom which acts to decrease the rate of which the boat is able to roll thus making it heaps more comfortable tha the other yachts we've been on in here. We just imagine we are out at sea in a rolly area with someone else on the helm. :) We've been diving, snorkelling and exploring the beaches. Russ has even been the machete coconut chopper! Been great having the fresh coconuts! :)

Musket Cove parties and civilization. Been a few full days Gather for NZ rally group plus meeting with others we've met along the way and in Opua at start. Pool, drinks, massage, hobie cat sailing, provisions,... Great place setup for yachts. They do well keeping most of yachties at the fantastic island bar near yachts. :) Even had a small jam session with our own kava ceremony.....the locals must have had a good laugh!
Then day spent at Cloud9 floating bar and pizzeria along with great happy hours and dinners with others.
While we have landed 0 fish....we were treated with the lobster buffet!!! :)

In Beqa lagoon resort ...shark diveyesterday! OMG! They are huge and look like they are smiling with pearly big teeth! Big lemons, magnificent Bulls,....heaps! They didn't really need to feed them fish heads that close to us. Eeeek! :). 25 divers out, 25 returned. :). More diving tomorrow, fire dancers and dinner tonight. Sunshine is great for all of us today!
Remained in Beqa lagoon resort past 3 days. 2 great dives today, wreck and reef. Great dinner ashore last night. Highly recommend this great resort and people should anyone pass thru, mooring has been awesome! Sevusevu with neighbor village. Plan tomorrow morning sail to Cuvu Harbour working our way toward Musket Cove in coming days.
Suva visit was very productive, crazy Donk fish all around when leaving yacht club at night. You know the Donk fish? :). They jump into your dinghy....heaps of them .... "Donk" is the sound they make when accidentally hit...repeatedly in masses. :). Ok, now we're at Bega Lagoon dive resort on mooring. Shark diving tomorrow. Yay! :). Should be Tiger Sharks in.....eeeek! :0. :). Have beer, new batteries, wine, all provisions...a happy yacht and crew! No fish.

Anchored off Suva yacht club between all the freighters, not ideal but great stop for local market, kava, club meals,...reprovision....and batteries! Wow! We were pleasantly surprised how well such a big job ended up going. Yay! :). Take the wins when we can! 4- 200aH 60kg batteries delivered to yacht club, paid guys to help haul into their longboat, dinghy soft bottom would've required many trips and Russ' manpower with my small woman power... :). Batteries onto boat, old batteries off boat with yacht club guys help up steep boat stairs in tight spaces. Russ rigged a great pulley system so I could help him lower safely into bilge area, connected, installed! Awesome power regained! In one afternoon. Drinks and dinner at club! :)
On a great downwind sail from Kadavu to Suva. You may wonder...why Suva? Great beer so Russ needs beer and me wine! Ok we have none onboard for quite some time and it's also due to us ordering a new bank of batteries and we are having them delivered here today and we will install. Yay! The batteries we knew were near replacement and unfortunately we can't wait until NZ as planned on return as the charge holding is a big challenge with us turning all stuff off at night and keeping battery watch to start genset and keep to a level to keep them alive. :). Thus this will be our first provision spot since departing NZ, that's a bit exciting...fresh stuff and choices we hope. :). Cold fridges = cold drinks and meat!
Back dated pics to come when service....
Kokomo resort, had to vacate land as Mr Batman has just arrived by Seaplane.
We had an awesome dive this morn near a Pass outer Astrolabe reef with Kokomo dive. On way, Waved at another survivor island, French they said. 30m+ vis, sharks, turtles,.. Was awesome start to the morn. Then we all swam with the mantas, yes amazing! :). Great yesterday pm and night onshore, dinner, drinks and a big tab...but there was beer and wine! :). And a freshwater pool all to ourselves! It was luxury as many of you know. Well move on in a day or so to Bega.

Anchored with SV Jasper II in a bay off the Western side of Ono Island, did Sevu Sevu with the local village Nabouwalu yesterday and attended Church services today. You for us? :0. Yes out of respect for village families who have welcomed us. They are Methodist, amazing harmonising!
We were also treated to a lobster lunch hosted by Simione Rasova and his family, Simi is an elected MP who holds a parliamentary seat with the Fijian opposition Social Democrat Liberal Party and received us as the acting Chief. Wonderful hospitality throughout the village, Ono Island is real gem. We are going by long boat tomorrow to see the Mantas and try and make guest appearance on German Survivor. :)
Many areas and islands we have been waved off due to Survivor from several countries being filmed. We tried to approach a beach in dinghy and they went crazy waving us to leave..... :). Shall we rush the shore?
anchored with Jasper2 and Athair at Ono island protected from northerly winds. Will do sevusevu in morn, great beautiful protected bay and hope to explore other nearby beaches. Still no fish..keep hoping! :). Hmmmmmm...maybe we can only catch NZ fish? Maybe we need to put lines out more frequently..... :). Flying fish and others jump on board but what do you mean MahiMahi won't jump aboard Mahi....aren't they related somehow. :)
Still remain anchored south end kandavu at Matana dive resort and village, great spot to anchor in 10m sand, Storm, who runs Matana has enjoyed cruisers over past days. Very basic resort he's trying to improve. Went on dive with him to other side for all day great adv, :). Great reef area outer reef! Village lunch, local transports, across island, random stuff along way. Got to see the location for a new dive resort in progress, meet those building it and their plans. He hopes to attract cruisers, great spot!
Arrived Matana dive. There is a village next to this small dive place and will do sevusevu in village today. Storm, South African, and locals at dive place r nice..not many guests but catering to yacht is great. :). We can use beach and main area which is very small and simple but a beach! We will have dinner onshore, it's a very small place thus community meal set menu then likely manta dive tmrw. Today chartplotter fixing and fibreglass mounting and I've been doing cleaning and food prep needed. We'll be here a few days before moving on.
Avg: 31.5knts
24hr: 757.2nm
Arrived into Kadavu to get supplies, very basic as haven't had many options due to remoteness along route. Did get diesel in can, finally a SIM card after weeks, juice, and fresh bread! Bonus! Simple things we can get are great! In town beers were $6/can!! No discount for buying many so Russ bought six. I think she saw how high she could sell them for. :/. Local Fiji beer in standard cans. At least he has beer as has been down to 2 he's saved for past weeks.
Arrived Matana dive resort to stay for a few days. :)
Man cannot live without beer!
Avg: 4.2knts
24hr: 100.9nm
On our way to Kadavu! Yes we r close.... Lost our wind last night thus motoring. Probably good motoring some cuz our battery bank is getting old and not holding charge..we had hoped ok til back in NZ but have had to start battery watches and genset at nights which isn't ideal having battery power watch while at anchor. :). We r in touch with marina asking about batteries.... Hmmmmm.... Hoping good quality, reasonable....but unlikely, as probably shipped from NZ or Oz.
Anchored in Matuku Island Lomata village. Went to village feast last night, was amazing and sooooo welcoming! Very humbling experience. :). Host family and entire village have welcomed us into many homes, provided fruit veg and us providing fishing items, ropes,... Went with son today to one of the mountain peaks...bush bashing climb up mountain holding onto roots and mud sliding under feet for a few hours...not for faint at heart..apparently they used to have some ropes and I can see why. Definitely some bush bash straight up mountain for some adventure exercise. :). Miri climbed easily and pulled us up when needed, along with his machete and being barefoot.... Are we soft?? we' re resting now. :). Plan to attend church in morn as they are amazing singers with lively services we hear, as well as out of respect for them welcoming us into their village for days. Then onto Kadavu.
Arrived at a small village on Matuku island, in the remote Moala Fiji islands. 49 people in this village. Performed sevusevu to be welcomed, got a host family and are invited to a Feast, which is a seldom occurrence thus timely. No beaches it's mangroves with beautiful high island green peaks. This is a good anchorage. We get winds in here from mountains with good mud holding. Was a bit of a challenge in late pm with clouds coming over to see reefs and safe anchor area, but villagers joined us on longboats to help guide us. Fantastic! :). Winds have kept us cool vs other areas thus great. :).
We've been enjoying Lau Bay of Islands. No internet, no SIM cards to be found...they are out of data thus satellite email and pics to come when have service...likely in a few more weeks as these areas are remote. Beautiful place to explore! :). We've had some..many..gathers on other yachts in these bays and now many are moving north and south to other islands. We're awaiting a critical part from another cruisers crew, thus thankful they are able to bring it with them. Quite a mission to get items without internet but satellite limited text and calls have been super valuable!
Now that we've all been away from Tonga for...a couple weeks...unsure....we are all running low on luxury supplies, fruit, and veg. Fortunately find a coconut time to time, and the village had book Chou! Yay! :). We are now having comical but useful trading! :). Let's see, we traded fish for fresh water and falafel for water and showers ( they don't have a water maker thus water is a luxury and a hot shower)! We still need to pay up on that as we all continue to further remote locations. We traded chips for instant oats...we ran out of chips! Who does tha? They were out of oats and onto rice pudding for breky! :). It's amazing when we all gather and the snack creativity each brings and I've borrowed some great ideas! :). Not to mention the trading of...please bring our part with you and we will host drinks and snacks happily! :)
Love that place ?. Xx
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 135.1nm
4th of July...cheeseburgers an Jimmy Buffet!
Hooked a fish on way into....near reefs then broke loose... Ahhhh! No fish yet?
Then Russ threw a lure at night...once...big commotion, big fish and it was all over... Took hook and snapped line in one quick hit! Must've dropped the lure on a sharks head....timely! :).
Pics to come when get SIM card. No SIM card luck in Fiji yet thus satellite email only and limited. In a couple more weeks, SIM card, fruit and veggies, juice! :).
In Lau group, had a great feast at Susui village. There are approx 80 in their village and the entire community held a feast for us 25 boats thus 60+ cruisers. What a great day! Explored their hidden lagoon, provided school supplies to the kids, and everyone played frisbee, netball, chatted, Kava and got to enjoy getting to learn about and share our lives. :). Amazing people and welcoming! This was a huge privilege for us and a very rare event for them. They had 18 boats 2 years ago thus this was a long time them hearing of our arrival? How cool! Great we are able to contribute and enjoy different cultures ... I still think they may have the life balance right vs crazy hectic crowded lifestyle. :).
Arrived in Lau Group Fiji, outermost eastern islands. :). High winds thus we're anchored in an amazing place called bay of islands. Steep cliffs and heavy vegetation...amazing! :). Events to now...checkin to Fiji is always interesting on a yacht but even more crazy was the small freight ship who entered in middle of the night into tight anchorage in between the yachts....Russ woke up with large tanker crossing right on our bow, seemed to even get our anchor for a bit before passing....phew! Russ was set up with radios, horns in hand watching this unfold and hoping he didn't drag us further...!! No sleep that night after the 2 night passage. :/. Phew....all good! Next day customs asked did that ship get thru you all at night??? Well....... :). Onto snorkelling and fun activities between fixing the yachts in exotic locations! Russ and I made an attempted recovery dive for someone else's small boat part dropped in 20+m with zero vis in soft silty sand.... :/ no success. They're now creatively making a bushing. :).
Hi all! It's still nice and warm here and loving that! Past few days have been a bit of Neiafu town exploring along with getting prepared for small passage to Fiji Lau Group tomorrow, approx. 300 miles, 2 days sail. Yay! I think they have fish too!! :)
Great small hut in pic called the Hideaway, which is Canadian owned and serves margaritas, fish and chips - great little spot and enjoyed the afternoon!
Then we were on to the Island Cruising departure dinner, some dancing and crazy antics. :)
Work wise... some progress, ..some not so much - Chartplotter received - yay!! Ahhhh...wrong cable: female vs male.... arghhh!! :/ Nothing is ever as simple as expected.. thus next plan to try to get a cable in the next month we hope. Tme to call on a favour for other crew flying in. :)
On the positive side, furling line for main boom furler - Check: done! Fuel - from dock done! LPG - done! Petrol - done! Dive tanks filled - done! Food - done! Successful day! :) and checked out!
Downwind passage time! We're sending sun your way! :)
Hey you guys hows it going??
Hope you made it to your next
Another amazing bay! Had a beach party, great fruit punch, and potluck. Even played a bit of afternoon Jimmy Buffet+ with many on the beach. As seen in pic...a few dinghys! Good thing we all know each other's as several lost items along the day. Mahi crew, us, had to send out a memo to recover a pot handle and sunnies! :). The handle was a microphone by Yacht Babe for much of the music time! :).
Amazing trip to Swallows cave in the pm. A large enough cave with offshoots inside and amazingly picturesque snorkel. Amazing balls of fish schooling!! :).
Now we're alone in this bay which at one time yesterday held 30+ yachts. Where did they all go? We didn't sleep in that late.... They were only a mirage..... Great days continue!
Coral gardens....amazing dive!
Fantastic David's feast highly recommended with local Tongan's feast. Nice people and great feast! Take a head torch...nighttime feast with no lights thus we all used head torches to hang a top. Great round fire gather and Uke music enjoyed! Thanks David and family! :)
Great anchorage!
1st pic: we decided to walk to town about 1.5hrs away from prior Anchorage and left paycheck, our dinghy at a beach we could access at low tide. Well...on our return under the trees in water was our long walk back to rescue dinghy from the now nigher tide enclosed beach. :) it was worth the extra town time for pizza and drinks!
Now in amazing place with coral gardens dive spot located across a reef which stretches between islands. Yesterday low tide walk across dry area with surging water on rocks for jump in entry. :/ :) fortunately found an exit at next island with rock crawl out.... then reef walk back. Ok not my best guiding but was so amazing we dived there today. Awesome! Highly recommend and enter at high tide is easier! :)
Great pics, keep em coming,
Hanging in Vava'u. Rain has cleared after a few days and sun is shining! :)
Does anyone think you can sail a tube...a yacht. .across in rough seas for days, weeks and stuff won't adjust and move around and maybe eventually need some attention? Well...your house doesn't quite get jostled so much...ours does. :) Yesterday happy hour, music, days awesome and cooking dinner .. then no water pressure nor water?? What? Uhhh...after searching ...hose clamp released on hot water cylinder... ok fixed! :) cleaned 100+liters from bildges. Dinner! :) nooooo....shower sink pump not draining ? Uhhh...after review...corroded wires. Salt water does get everywhere. Fixed and rewired electrical. Fixed! Let's just go read...don't touch anything. :) what? Power inverter overloaded? How? Uhhhh...determined hot tropical overheat. Sorted! :) everything and body needs a fan! Or 3! Ok....don't touch anything...let's go read! :) Sunday is rest day in Tonga, boat agreed! :) Another day in paradise!
Well your certainly learning
Hey Celia! Wish you all were
We've been in Vava'u islands for a couple of days. Great to be snorkeling and exploring. Big rains yesterday so as you see we are now the laundry boat in the hood who you hide from your neighbors. Nope don't know then laundry boat homeless hoodlums. :) Did I mention how many fish I get to look at??? Daily...many times a day!
Glad you are having a great
Time to get back on water
Yes indeed - the Wallace is
Hi guys, just found your blog
Enjoy Vauatu! Probably
Heading north on a perfect day for a genniker ride! Great welcome bash at Big Mama's for the fleet last night, now most of us up and north to Vava'u. Possibly return to Hapai's next week when weather better suits. Awesome weather! Great group of cruisers enjoying the sun and warmth. Had a tanker truck drive onto concrete dock slab couple days back for a day of yacht fueling....yes takes most of day as we are on Tonga time!.... They are on Tonga time.... :). Fixes along the way you ask.... Nahhhh... Everything worked great before we left! Well since have become... Toilet engineers, water inlet experts, freezer compressor trouble shooters, spare items suppliers, chart plotter and radar techs, and did I mention Russ the sail trimmer even though's not a race. Nobody really just cruises if a yacht is nearby. :)
Ha ha baptism by boat stuff..
Arrived in Tonga yesterday 1600NZST. Yay!! :). A few yachts were here. Time for a celebration drink! Then a great night sleep and still felt like we were on passage thru night even though calm. Getting land legs back! Awesome we and Mahi made our first ocean passage together!! Huge step from years in prep and planning for all of us. :)
Congratulations & happy
Woohoo! Nice work Team Mahi.
Hi Joanne. :) phew..great
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 134.8nm
Landed 4 fish with no effort....ok....flying fish. :). Mess and smell on decks quickly during night. We could hear a SLAP on the clears...poor least clears stopped them or would've been shock kin when hits us in dark!! No moon this trip...only small sliver behind clouds. Like being at space mountain...completely dark moving rollercoaster and hold on! :)
Ha ha the flying fish storm..
Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 189.5nm
Day 5...past couple of days 20+ winds which was great but very confused seas made it bashing conditions to windward, unpleasant with very little sleep and many sail mods. Squalls. Great day today! Drying the boat and us out. :). Better weather = great hot breky! Mahi and crew are doing great!
Congratulations your nearly
3rd day in toward Tonga. Yay! 1st 24hrs left on top front of low thus expected not pleasant start to get north as quick as possible to be past most of next low pressure which will likely be nasty. Was unpleasant 3+ M swells confused seas and low 30s wind, saw 47 in squall, boat was very wet even us inside clears due to confused waves thru day and night. 4 boats headed back to Opua with various issues they couldn't resolve in these conditions. 2nd day eased....phew! :). Mahi did awesome and we are good. Day 2 to 3... easing seas, better food options, but need to motor to keep speed in these 4 knot winds. Animals thus far..... Already picked up a passenger....worm....yuck! Cereal in that container quickly abandoned ship! :) We were going to start an aquarium on board with all the sea water during 1st day but Russ told animal collections. :)
Oh no just reading all about
Holding for a weather window to Tonga. Enjoying the great NZ weather and comforts in Bay of Islands while we....wait. :) Possible departure mid-week. All great!
Hey great to hear you guys
Mahi - Phew! High winds have passed...we hope! 29/05/2019
3rd day in toward Tonga. Yay! 1st 24hrs left on top front of low thus expected not pleasant start to get north as quick as possible to be past most of next low pressure which will likely be nasty. Was unpleasant 3+ M swells confused seas and low 30s wind, saw 47 in squall, boat was very wet even us inside clears due to confused waves thru day and night. 4 boats headed back to Opua with various issues they couldn't resolve in these conditions. 2nd day eased....phew! :). Mahi did awesome and we Read more...
Mahi - Day 5 01/06/2019
Day 5...past couple of days 20+ winds which was great but very confused seas made it bashing conditions to windward, unpleasant with very little sleep and many sail mods. Squalls. Great day today! Drying the boat and us out. :). Better weather = great hot breky! Mahi and crew are doing great!