Avg: 11.5knts
24hr: 275.4nm
San Evaristo, small fishing village, excellent anchorage in these westerlies, quaint, good hunting:snapper today!
Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 67.1nm
Isla San Francisco. Another stunning anchorage, gin-clear water, flat seas, no wind, great snorkeling: green Moray, Angelfish, nudibranch, and spear fishing with every meal (hogfish, triggerfish, snapper)... who knew??? I?m starting to like the pink granite shoreline!
Sea of Cortez WOW.. Like Arizona on a lake. The easiest cruising ever. Stunning Isla Partida, sunken crater. Snorkeling with turtles, sea lions, King angel fish and a ton of sea life in 28c water. Come on down!
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 103.8nm
Just arrived La Paz Marina. This 3rd Transpac was the best ever. No hughe beam seas, no mechanical scare, just chillin’.
Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 67.4nm
overnight stop at Bahia Los Sueños, too chicken to navigate the San Lorenzo channel at night. Good thing we have 2 anchors. Big Bertha?s foot pedal wasn?t working, so we dropped Li?l Lou. Fixed BB?s corroded foot switch connector in the morning and we?re all good again. Continuing to La Paz. And I?m sick for the 1st time in 12 years, major allergy to Mexican scrub brush, not boding well for the season! Booooo...
Port Captain has closed Bahia Cabo San Lucas, so no anchoring there possible, good thing we had decided on moving north. Passing Cabo Los Frailes now, with 2m SE seas, wouldn?t be a good anchorage either. WILLA is a Cat 5 Hurricane, churning towards Las Tres Maria?s and Mazatlan. It?s smooth motoring for us, on 1 engine to slow down, nice push from the back!
Glad for your safe transit!
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 196.3nm
Port Captain has closed Bahia Cabo San Lucas, so no anchoring there possible, good thing we had decided on moving north. Passing Cabo Los Frailes now, with 2m SE seas, wouldn?t be a good anchorage either. WILLA is a Cat 5 Hurricane, churning towards Las Tres Maria?s and Mazatlan. It?s smooth motoring for us, on 1 engine to slow down, nice push from the back!
Avg: 12.9knts
24hr: 308.5nm
Cabo San Lucas! TRANSPAC #3 complete! It was uphill the whole way and DOMINO worked hard. Zero problem! By the Numbers: 2,661 NM, 10 days 18 hours, average 10.3 Knts. Calculating fuel burn when not so many boats around! Hurricane WILLA to the SE, Cabo not a good anchorage (except for the massive Nordhavn in the bay). We?re going on to La Paz, 143 NM away, slowly at 7 knts, burning 2gph, on 1 engine to arrive there at dawn. Buenos Dias, Mexico!
Avg: 13.4knts
24hr: 322nm
12 hours to go and at long last, Fair winds and (almost) following seas. Will beat Willa to the line, but will continue to La Paz without stopping in Cabo, afraid that the anchorage might become uncomfortable tomorrow night. Better numbers tonight as the current seems to diminish and the wind backed to NW. 1400rpm, 12 knts, 10gph. Smooth ride!
Avg: 13.7knts
24hr: 328.1nm
racing to Cabo before hurricane Willa, 245 NM to go. No room at Cabo?s marinas, plan to drop anchor, do our formalities, and leave immediately for refuge in La Paz if Wilma cuts too close. Surprisingly strong 1.5-2knts NW current, demanding more power. 1475 rpm, 11.7 knts (should be 13 in normal conditions), 12.5 GPH. Approximately 850gal. of fuel left, no worries. Smooth ride in spite of the 1m beam seas. So far, so good! Just one more hurricane to dodge, that?s 8 this year!
8!!! Good grief, or maybe I
Avg: 13.1knts
24hr: 314.1nm
winds @ 16-22 all yesterday and night, backing to N. Seas smoother this morning, but still 1.5m. DOMINO working hard against 1-1.5knt current and beam seas. Greatly improved weather this morning, wind dropping steadily, smoother seas. 1330rpm, 11.7Knts, 10gph. A bit hungrier than expected, probably due to that current against. All is good, 520 miles to go!
I'm following you from Italy,
short-lived respite yesterday morning, then wind ramped up to 18-24 till now, while backing to NE and NNE. Choppy seas but at 30* to port bow, not bad. Expect wind to die later today. 800 NM to Cabo. 1220rpm, 11knts, 8 GPH. Should arrive Cabo before the low hits. All is well. Audio Books: FALLEN (Slaughter) HOUR GAME (Baldacci) PEARL HARBOR (Gingrich)
Avg: 11.6knts
24hr: 278.9nm
short-lived respite yesterday morning, then wind ramped up to 18-24 till now, while backing to NE and NNE. Choppy seas but at 30* to port bow, not bad. Expect wind to die later today. 800 NM to Cabo. 1220rpm, 11knts, 8 GPH. Should arrive Cabo before the low hits. All is well. Audio Books: FALLEN (Slaughter) HOUR GAME (Baldacci) PEARL HARBOR (Gingrich)
Avg: 11.1knts
24hr: 267.3nm
seas still lumpy but getting much smoother, wind finally down 10-15kts. So far, fuel burned 1,100 gal for 1,628 NM, or 1.5 mpg, average speed 9.9 mph. Not bad on a full belly and adverse conditions. Not seen a single boat so far. ETA Cabo Monday morning.
passed the half-way point last evening; rough seas, as expected for this part of the passage, will continue for next 24-36hrs, then wind should turn to NE and decrease, while we?ll turn SE and speed up. Slowed down for comfort. 1100rpm, 9.5knts, 6gph. Rough patch, but still able to cook and bake bread, all is well.
Hola, muy buenas tardes!
Avg: 11.7knts
24hr: 280.9nm
passed the half-way point last evening; rough seas, as expected for this part of the passage, will continue for next 24-36hrs, then wind should turn to NE and decrease, while we?ll turn SE and speed up. Slowed down for comfort. 1100rpm, 9.5knts, 6gph. Rough patch, but still able to cook and bake bread, all is well.
Avg: 11.4knts
24hr: 274.7nm
just caught another mahi-mahi. Domino dancing straight into small head seas and current. Looks like the 2 lows SE of Baja are dissipating. ETA Cabo Monday morning. Stats in current conditions, with still more than half load : 1200 rpm, 10.5 Kts speed, 8.2 GPH, not bad with 1 Kt current against. Comfy ride!
You put in 23 10N 137 17E
I think you have an error in
Happy to hear you are having
Avg: 10.3knts
24hr: 248.2nm
went through several small lows yesterday, rain and 18-22kts SE wind, choppy seas all day and night. Better now, still 16-18 Kts, barometer is up. Low pressure system SE of Baja seems to be dissipating, keeping an eye on it. 1090 rpm, 10 Kts, 5.3 GPH with still more than half load. DOMINO sambas and sashays, All is well!
Avg: 11.1knts
24hr: 266.3nm
rough night, 20-25kt winds SE, confused chop. Hurricane scheduled to arrive Cabo next Sunday, same day as us. Decided to slow down to conserve fuel and wait to see which way that hurricane will go. At 8.7 Kts, burning 4.5 GPH. Will have enough fuel.
Avg: 11.8knts
24hr: 283.7nm
at 0700 Hawaii time: 2,180 NM to go... easy passage so far, comfortable, audiobooks binge. We slowed down a bit to time our arrival for Sunday evening, not willing to pay Customs an immigration overtime fees! Hoping SERGIO didn?t do too much damage in Baja.
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 169.3nm
best condition for an eastward Transpac. A bit of drama at sunrise, caught a mahi-mahi (good drama), lost the autopilot and a few other 12v sensors (bad) but it was just a fuse (phew!) all fixed up. Sunshine, Another beautiful day at sea!
Provisioned, cleared out, just need to fuel up and off we go... La Paz, here we come!
Aloha! After 5 weeks of boat projects in Honolulu, we’re off exploring the Hawaiian Islands. Oahu West and North shores to Start
Avg: 5.3knts
24hr: 128.1nm
Safely docked in Honolulu, Waikiki, Ala Wai Harbor
Avg: 14.3knts
24hr: 342.4nm
42 NM to Honolulu, clear weather, all is well
Out of the cyclone?s reach at last, running 12kts into 2m head seas all nigh but making good time. 274NM run today, only 225 NM from Honolulu, aloha!
Out of the cyclone?s reach at last, running 12kts into 2m head seas all nigh but making good time. 274NM run today, only 225 NM from Honolulu, aloha!
Avg: 13knts
24hr: 312.6nm
Out of the cyclone?s reach at last, running 12kts into 2m head seas all nigh but making good time. 274NM run today, only 225 NM from Honolulu, aloha!
Avg: 13.4knts
24hr: 321.1nm
covered 280NM in the last 24 hours, escaped this storm, just reached our 50% fuel consumed (1400 gallons for 2300 NM) but that?s not enough left to make it safely to SITKA (2300 NM) if we have to dodge another storm. HONOLULU, here we come to refuel, perhaps to stay the season!
Tropical storm MALISKI too wide and powerful to avoid, re-routing to Hawaii. Safety first.
Goodness, who invited Maliski
Avg: 10.3knts
24hr: 247.9nm
Tropical storm MALISKI too wide and powerful to avoid, re-routing to Hawaii. Safety first.
Avg: 7.6knts
24hr: 182.1nm
running away from this massive low to the NW of us, squashed between the storm?s intended path and the northern limit of Midway National Reserve. May have to make a run for Hawaii! Staying low and slow till next weather report.
big storm brewing NW of us, no way to go through it. Re-routed for safety, slowed down for economy, waiting out the storm riding on the 31st parallel. Running on 1 engine, 900 rpm, 1.8 gah, 7.6 Kts. Why hurry?
big storm brewing NW of us, no way to go through it. Re-routed for safety, slowed down for economy, waiting out the storm riding on the 31st parallel. Running on 1 engine, 900 rpm, 1.8 gah, 7.6 Kts. Why hurry?
Avg: 10.1knts
24hr: 241.4nm
big storm brewing NW of us, no way to go through it. Re-routed for safety, slowed down for economy, waiting out the storm riding on the 31st parallel. Running on 1 engine, 900 rpm, 1.8 gah, 7.6 Kts. Why hurry?
Avg: 11.8knts
24hr: 283.8nm
Covered 247nm today. Crossed the date line, back to WEST. Enjoying a 50-lb wahoo and sunshine, dream seas. Eye on the weather: mayhem coming! Staying Below the rhumb line, weighing options as Wx changes. Vigilance
everything you could ask for except a fish on the line. Baked macaroons. Covered 253 NM today.
Good going Domino. Looks like
everything you could ask for except a fish on the line. Baked macaroons. Covered 253 NM today.
everything you could ask for except a fish on the line. Baked macaroons.
Avg: 12.1knts
24hr: 290nm
everything you could ask for except a fish on the line. Baked macaroons.
just went thru big squalls, 16NM diameter, sustained 30kts, gusts 44kts, 3-5m waves. Abating now, confused seas, all is well.
just went thru big squalls, 16NM diameter, sustained 30kts, gusts 44kts, 3-5m waves. Abating now, confused seas, all is well.
Avg: 11.1knts
24hr: 266.3nm
just went thru big squalls, 16NM diameter, sustained 30kts, gusts 44kts, 3-5m waves. Abating now, confused seas, all is well.
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 169.7nm
1100rpm, 5GPH, STB quarter push, life is good, but for the haze from the Hawaii volcano.
After a crusing season in Vanuatu and winter in The Marshall Islands, we are preparing for a transpac to Alaska 1st week of june.
DOMINO is for sale!!! Check out the details here
Bonjour Jean Pierre et Marie,
DOMINO is in Musket Cove Marina...
0720 - Arrived Vanua Balavu yesterday. 8 Sea Mercy yachts at anchor, starting mission today.
Avg: 9.9knts
24hr: 237.7nm
0620 - Lovely passage, calm seas, no wind, local squalls on the horizon, caught 4 tunas yesterday, trolling for wahoo. ETA Vanua Balavu 10am
0600 - Lovely passage, calm seas, no wind, a motor yacht's dream.
0630 - North Minerva, wind came up overnight. Yachts Broadsword, Nero, RedCat, are with us. Expect Amelie IV and Dreamcatcher today.
0630 - south Minerva, clear skies over the lagoon, but thick and low cloud cover all around. Air temp 21.5, sea temp 25. Tired of Rolly anchorage, moving to North Minerva mid-day.
0630 - south Minerva, thick and low cloud cover to the N to E, winds down. Air temp 22.5. where is the fleet?
Avg: 3.1knts
24hr: 74.4nm
still at South Minerva, Rolly anchorage, will probably move to North Reef in a day or 2... Huntin's good!
Say hello to North Minerva
In south Minerva for 3-4 days waiting for the rest of the fleet to catch up
Avg: 32.5knts
24hr: 779.5nm
anchored at S Minerva, beautiful weather now that the band of moisture has moved south, only yacht here, double hook-up of yellowfin tuna outside the pass... Don't rush to catch up with us!!!
Avg: 19.9knts
24hr: 478.5nm
0600 NZST - winds picked up over the last 70 NM, thick cloud cover visible to the NE, water temp 26c, expect to be at the S. MInerva pass entrance at 0730, will wait for good light to enter, fishing meanwhile
Hi JP & Marie
Avg: 10.6knts
24hr: 253.5nm
0630 NZST- glorious tropics! Hooked up a Marlin at sunrise, most amazing green flash at sunset, flat seas, air temp 22, water temp 25.6, pressure +2 overnight
Avg: 12.3knts
24hr: 296.3nm
half way to Minerva. After 24hrs of 18-22E winds, conditions improved gradually and we woke up to 5-10kts NNW, slight seas, sunnier by the minute. Unable to hear any HAM station. Caution about Predict Wind: before sending your request, make sure to check your parameters and only ask for 1 model (not all, as we had checked off in our training session) or your mailbox will be clogged with unwanted mail... Also, check the AirTemp. Box or your GRIB will be blank... Practice before you leave or you'll have to email your on-shore tech! Thanks again, Jose Ferrer at the Satphone Store.
Avg: 10.4knts
24hr: 249.6nm
beautiful ride now after a lumpy 24 hrs with 18-22 kts E. Yesterday afternoon, winds started to drop below 18, gradually down overnight, to 5kts @NW this morning. Barometer steady. Water temp 24.6, going fishing!
chugging along on lumpy seas, temperature warming up. Winds 18-22 @East. Barometer steady
DOMINO - Hello Minerva.
Arrived South Minerva Reef under cloudy skies and showers, a good excuse to fish outside the reef while waiting for sunny weather... And a good idea too, since we soon got a double hook-up of yellowfin tuna! By 0830, there was a break in the clouds and enough light to go through. We took the northern channel of the pass, reef very visible on starboard, at low tide (using Raoul Island tide table) and headed straight across the lagoon to the anchorage. Note that the light on the rock at the western Read more...
DOMINO - The Waiting Game
Hello Fellow YIT'ers... we're new on this forum, yet we can see that many of our friends are already logged onto this group. DOMINO is now in the Bay of Island, waiting for a weather window for Fiji where we will join Sea Mercy's efforts to rebuild the Northern Laus villages. JP&dominomarie
Chez Nous
I'm Donna Robinson's mother. I'll be enjoying your blog to keep up with Donna and Jonathan. They said you are traveling with them. I'm following you all on YIT. It helps to know where they are when no communication is possible. Thank you for taking the time to keep a blog. God be with you all on your journey! Lynne