Departure Planned for Friday 0600 NZST

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Departure Planned for Friday 0600 NZST

June 09, 2016 - 12:43

We have made our appointment to clear New Zealand customs in Nelson tomorrow morning at 0600. There was a lot of hurry up and wait this week while we watched for a good forecast for departure. We had been sitting in nice sunny weather with no wind. The rain arrived this morning LOL Zachary woke up and thought that this looks like the worst weather for departure. Nice sunny warm days would have been more appealing to me as well. We are looking forward to the passage. Our weather software is telling us our arrival in Tonga should be in 8 - 9 days. We will keep everyone up to date on our progress and you can always see where we are by looking at the tracker. Smiles, Shannon Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.

There are 3 Comments

All the best for the trip, look forward to hearing about your adventures! Take care, Andy, Sarah & Lowenna x

Happy travels. Looking forward to hearing about it.

Good to see you are on the way. Will be following you daily. Solomons Airlines up and running again.

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