
Avg: 4.1knts
24hr: 98.2nm
Cannot make headway to the west. Compromised jury rig can only sail on starboard tack and this is limited. Options narrowing. Will run out of diesel and can only sail to the east. Options commercial tow or initiate distress call. 4th day battling headwinds

Avg: 4.6knts
24hr: 110.8nm
very rough night, 40knots, waves in cockpit.c Can?t maintain course,limited control of vessel.Crew hanging in there.
Who can we contact to let us
Hi my name is Claire, I have
Stay strong. Love and
Avg: 4.9knts
24hr: 118.3nm
jury rig holding. Managed to put up small headsail, increased speed 1-2knots, crew tired but good spirits
Third time lucky dad. Love
Glad to hear. X keep us
Thoughts are with you

mast rig failure, jury rig 3 shrouds, unable to continue under sail, motoring back to NZ. Emergency services notified and monitoring. All well aboard as well as can be expected.
Holding thumbs for you guys.
Emergency Services have
Safe journey back dad

Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 147.3nm
motoring, comfortable, showers on board, double hook up on tuna
Tuna Sashimi our favourite
Avg: 5.5knts
24hr: 132.6nm
motor sailing in light variable winds, All good aboard.
Avg: 22.1knts
24hr: 530.2nm
motoring, broken out haul slide fixture at clew, All good aboard
Avg: 32.1knts
24hr: 771.2nm
Correction of previous coordinates
Awaiting weather window for sail to Tonga
In Opua Marina awaiting and preparing for passage to Tonga with ICANZ from 20/5
Avg: 33.2knts
24hr: 797.9nm
crew in high spirits, Opua Friday am, Land of the long white cloud,here we come
Avg: 3.1knts
24hr: 73.7nm
Arrived Opua 12.10.18, 1430hrs. All good on board. Last day hard sail in up to 40+knts
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 142.9nm
motor sailing, low off cape weakening and more south, scrambled eggs for breakie, All good
Mate there are some big
rough trip, beating 3days All well on board
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 128.6nm
rough trip, beating 3days All well on board
first night rough, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved. May have to motor soon
first night rough, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved. May have to motor soon
rough night, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved.
rough night, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved.
rough night, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved.
rough night, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved.
rough night, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved.
Avg: 147.9knts
24hr: 3550.3nm
rough night, sick crew, coming good, leaking hatch, sailing and conditions improved.
Avg: 185.8knts
24hr: 4459.3nm
Leaving for NZ today
Planning preparing passage to NZ. Leave 5.10.18
Have a safe sail to the land
Looking forward to seeing you
Hi guys happy and safe sail.
Preparing Squander for sailing Vanuatu. Hopefully return to the water next week

Avg: 13.7knts
24hr: 328.6nm
Heading to Noumea
Preparing to head for Noumea
Arrived Port Vila. Provisioned and ready to go north. Loving Vanuatu
Waiting for weather to moderate in Ouvea before sailing to Tanna is Vanuatu
Waiting in Bums Bay, Southport for departure to New Caledonia Go East rally
Safe sailing you guys xx
I love this! Our family and
No blogs available for this yacht.
So very sorry to read of your
So sorry to hear this news,
The crew of SV SQUANDER are
Great news on the refuelling.
Morning James, Lawrence