A few days at anchorages handy to the mantarays channel, lots of rays, and snorkelling in the area.
Now at Blue Lagoon, walks over and around the island, and looks as if the resort are encouraging yachties- new beachside bar.
Cloudy today with a hint of rain.
Plan to stay here a few days then make our way back to the Musket Regatta.
After a couple of weeks around Musket - Nandi Bay - Vuda area we are motoring towards the south end of Naviti. Flat sea, overcast.
Freezer fixed, watched rugby and a circus last night by the Alternative Sailing group, picked up Colin who will be on board for the next two weeks so all set to go...
Weather unsettled, so no trip to Yasawas yet.
A great day on the 26th, Kelly's "big" birthday. With daughter, Amy, and son-in-law, Kent, and six yachtie friends, we went to Honeymoon Island for snorkelling and lunch, then back to Musket for a bbq at the Beach Bar and dancing in the sand to an excellent band. Thanks to everyone for making fantastic memories!
After a quick trip into Vuda, we went over to check progress on the new Fantasy marina. The channels are dredged, but not much else yet. Not much room to anchor, although very sheltered. So down to Wailoaloa Beach for dinner, fire dancing and a quick exit when the rain started.
Now Saweni Bay- until the rain passes over.
Avg: 55.4knts
24hr: 1330.4nm
VUDA POINT. Have been to Saweni Bay, Lautoka for supplies and watch rugby at The Northern Club. The wind hasn't been in our favour to get to the Manta Rays so have spent quality time with crew and friends at Musket Cove. Weather has been superb hot and sunny everyday for the past 2 weeks. Change of crew tomorrow. Donna goes back to cold NZ as does Barbara with her Grandson Jacob. Barb home only for a week. Amy and Kent arrive tomorrow afternoon for two weeks.
Avg: 724knts
24hr: 17375.1nm
Musket Cove. Greeted by Andrew & Lane off Leeway for a cuppa. Spent the afternoon at MC resort laying on the beach and swimming. BBQ tonight at Island bar.
Avg: 7.7knts
24hr: 184.1nm
Heading to Muslet Cove after a week or two of Saweni Bay and Lautoka. Tuesday Barbaras Grand son joined us aboard, Jacob.
Saweni Bay
The wind got up yesterday and most of the night and rain and one yacht dragged its anchor and then finally went on a mooring. The forecast for today and tomorrow is 20 - 25 knots and rough seas.
It is a lot more sheltered in Saweni Bay.
We are now anchored in the Beautiful Musket Cove. Definitely a yachtie's paradise. The sun is out the wind has dropped and the sea is calm.
0700 hrs. Started the day by an hours walk around the hills and paths of Musket Cove and down by the airport runway. Good to get it over with before it gets to hot. Back to the boat for a well earned swim then our daily tropical delight breakfast of fresh pineapple, paw paw, bananas and Kelly's homemade yoghurt.
Rugby tonight in at the resort. I guess it will be a swim at the resort pool and relax before a hot shower and dinner aboard. LG - Life is Good.
Vuda Point Marina
12th June: From Naigani we upped anchor at day break and sailed West towards Vitu Levu. On just entering the pass through the reef we hooked up a Yellow Fin Tuna 5 Kg. Dinner for 2 nights. Very strong winds but sunshine. Anchored at Voli Voli Bay by the resort which is owned by a family from Twizel. Went ashore for the footy...TV not working.
Saturday 13th: Got a taxi to the big smoke...Rakiraki. Great little town. Got some fresh veg and fruit then had a local Chinese meal. Next day upped sticks and anchored off Na Nananu-I-Cake. Monday 15th: Went ashore at Nananu-I-Ra walked around part of the island. Met an Aussie couple that own some land and have been there 30 yrs.
0600hrs Made our way to Saweni Bay just past Lautoka. Absolutely glorious day. Lay in the sun read books and did code crackers and of course the usual ate cake and drank tea. 0900hrs Kelly noticed a fish on one of the lines...yay. I pulled the line in to reveal a huge Wahoo. 7 kgs. Dinner for many dinners yummy.
1900hrs the anchor was down and dinner was served. Skipper and crew had a hard days work.
0600hrs yes up early again. Motored into Vuda (Vunda) Point Marina to the fuel jetty and water and downloaded the rubbish also managed to do 2 loads of washing at once. All set with full tanks of water and 266 litres of diesel we manoeuvred into a berth. Sunset bar tonight to watch the sun go down over the sea.
at anchor at naigani----------we had a slow trip to Fiji this year with donna and Barbara as great crew--------9 days passage mostly in lite winds-----only 2 fish landed and three lost----very poor by our standards-------we had my friends leeway for company although didn't see them on passage-----spent a wet week in suva clearing and waiting for a weather winow to sail to the lau group----we had a good sail across to matuku---we were made very welcome by the locals and were invited to a hangi-----after 3 days we left for the next island---but the wind was from the north so we sailed overnite to luvuka------three days latter we are in naigani
Everyone looking good and
Great to catch up on your
Hello you three, hope you are
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