Phew! High winds have passed...we hope! 29/05/2019

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Phew! High winds have passed...we hope! 29/05/2019

June 05, 2019 - 13:54

3rd day in toward Tonga. Yay! 1st 24hrs left on top front of low thus expected not pleasant start to get north as quick as possible to be past most of next low pressure which will likely be nasty. Was unpleasant 3+ M swells confused seas and low 30s wind, saw 47 in squall, boat was very wet even us inside clears due to confused waves thru day and night. 4 boats headed back to Opua with various issues they couldn't resolve in these conditions. 2nd day eased....phew! :). Mahi did awesome and we are good. Day 2 to 3... easing seas, better food options, but need to motor to keep speed in these 4 knot winds. Animals thus far..... Already picked up a passenger....worm....yuck! Cereal in that container quickly abandoned ship! :) We were going to start an aquarium on board with all the sea water during 1st day but Russ told animal collections. :)

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